Wednesday 21 May 2014

The harvest is plentiful and the harvest is ready! We were so blessed to see that there are many people in far away unreached corners of the world who are ready to receive the good news about Jesus. Our team recently returned to Kathmandu from one of the most (possibly the most) unreached region in all of Nepal. We spent almost six weeks in this region and saw many people touched by the power of God; sick people healed and lives transformed as people surrendered to Jesus Christ.
       We flew into a tiny airport in a small town surrounded by spectacular mountains. Our destination was a village which was a four day trek away. Our plan was to stop for people along the way, sharing Jesus with them as well as showing the Jesus film or the Passion in villages where we stopped. All together we hiked for well over 100 km up mountains and down again. We had the amazing privilege of going to villages where the gospel had never been preached. At times I was amazed as we shared the good news with Nepali people; two thousand years and this was the first time the name of Jesus was declared! I want to share a few highlights besides the breathtaking scenery all around us at every step.

     During our time in this region, we prayed for hundreds of people and many of these people we encountered as we were hiking. On one such encounter we stopped to pray for a middle-aged man named Gore who had a toothache. We prayed for him and his pain went away! We then had the chance to share the gospel with and he gave his life to Jesus saying; "This is a golden opportunity!" Gore invited us to come to his village and stay at his house. We told him that we would try to make it up to his village on our return journey.
    On our way back, we were able to hike up to his village and he was so happy to see us. We took some time discipling him and explaining some basic things about relationship with Jesus. We also had the chance to show the Jesus film and share the gospel with people in this village... no one had ever come there to share about Jesus. Before we showed the film it was raining and we were wondering if we would be able to show it at all. We cried out to God to push back the clouds and stop the rain and he came through; the rain stopped! Gore shared his testimony of how God healed him and how he gave his life to Jesus. About twenty people gave their lives to Jesus that night.
     The following day we had the wonderful opportunity to baptized some of the new believers along with Gore. We were so blessed to be able to baptize them in some natural hot springs... so fun! We were in awe of God's faithfulness and willingness to use us and we were so encouraged.
     There are so many other stories that I could share but I find myself running out of time at the moment! I will do my best to write another update soon. Thank you all so much for your prayers! They are making a difference among the unreached people of Nepal!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your updates, Jason! God is moving in incredible ways around the world through some amazing people! Thanks for sharing His goodness.
